APASMAARA (Seizures) - Due To TRIDOSHA And AMA Ascending To The Heart

Namaste everyone!
Welcome to another insightful case discussion podcast with Athreya Herbs. We are here to support our Ayurvedic practitioner community through live and recorded clinical case study discussions. I'm Vaidya Jay, your host.

Today's case is presented by Kimberly Crome, who is a graduate of SCU and just started practicing. She is presenting a case about a patient or 'Rogi' in Sanskrit, who has been diagnosed with Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis.

In the forum, we identify the involvement of UDAKA VAHA SROTAS, triggered by their lifestyle and possible MEDO DHATU DUSHTI. At the end of our discussion, we come up with a possible SAMPRAPTI (Pathogenesis) and a CHIKITSA (Management plan).


March 17, 2023 |  53 minutes.
By Vaidya. Jay Parla.