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Case Study
Today's case is presented by Leslie Elliott, a current Kerala Ayurvedic practitioner student and the proprietor of Mountland Herbal Apothecary in Portola, California. An 85-year-old man experiencing recent onset sciatica pain in his right lower back, leg, and foot. He also has several medical conditions and wishes to transition completely from Western medicine to natural healing approaches. Listen Here.
Case Study
Today's fascinating case is presented by Ayurvedic practitioner Alejandra Contreras who we welcome as a great supporter of Athreya Herbs. A 45-year-old woman with a Pitta-Kapha constitution, standing at 168 cm and weighing 62 kg, with a BMI of 22. Her primary concerns? Persistent abdominal inflammation, occasional hypogastric pain, and discomfort when touching or sucking in her stomach. Listen Here.
Case Study
This case presented by Kelly where her patient navigating perimenopause. The primary concern? Significant weight gain, particularly around the abdomen. Alongside this, she's experiencing increased joint pain, mood swings, and fatigue. Listen Here.
This case study is presented by Laura Croit who is a student and alumni of Southern California University Her 18 year Old Patient who works 40 hours a week. Main complaints were for period cramps, heartburn, insomnia, and a form of an eating disorder. Listen Here.
Grahani Roga with Raktaja Atisaara
Presented by Rachel Formanek,With a standing diagnosis of Ulcerative Colitis, we in the forum learn from the imaging done on the ROGI and understand from an Ayurvedic prospective. Listen Here.
Pakwashaya Arbuda
Presented by Kelly Schalk,This is a case of VYADHI SANKARA due to complicated surgeries being performed on the ROGI, who was diagnosed with aggressive typo of Colon cancer. Listen Here.
Pittaja Arthava Dushti and Athyarthava
Presented by Anushree Ramakrishnan, who is a great supporter of Athreya, The ROGI is 19 year old PITTA PRAKRUTI, college student who has been experiencing ARTHAVA DUSHTI due to PITTA PRAKOPA. In the history we learnt that diet at the dorm and the lifestyle at the college is burdening her APANA VATA and SAMANA VATA and majorly involving the PACHANKA PITTA. Listen Here.
Ojokshaya And Rakta Dushti
Presented by Erica Muller, Founder of Okanagan Ayurveda, Part I, please see the Episode - “MANO VIKARA and RAKTA VIKARA”. To recap, the Rogi (Patient) in this case is a 62-year-old female who is experiencing anxiety and panic attacks, as well as essential thrombocytosis and low iron. In the second half,Ayurvedic Practitioner - Sonia Smith presents the case of a 15-year-old male Rogi with KAPHAJA TWAK VIKARA (Kapha-type skin condition) Listen Here.
Mano Vikara and Rakta Vikara
Presented by Erica Muller, Founder of Okanagan Ayurveda, the case of a 62-year-old female Rogi (Patient) experiencing MANO VIKARA (Mental disturbance) manifesting as chronic anxiety and panic attacks. The Rogi is also suffering from RAKTA VIKARA (Blood disorders) including essential thrombocytosis and low iron. Listen Here.
Vrudda Rogi with Udara, and Shotha
Presented by Sonia Smith, the case of a VRUDDA ROGI. He is a 92-year-old male client exhibiting the symptoms of UDARA (Abdominal distension), SHOTHA (Abdominal swelling, bloating, and constipation), low energy, and difficulty walking, among several other conditions for which he is being treated with pharmaceutical medication Listen Here.
Grahani Dosha with AMA Affecting Skin and Joints
Presented by Kimberly Cara,36-year-old female Rogi (Patient) with an array of health complaints including poor digestion. We determine her Ayurvedic diagnosis to be GRAHANI ROGA (Malabsorption syndrome) due to the presence of the cardinal symptom - alternating bouts of diarrhea and constipation Listen Here.
Presented by Sonia Smith,Her client has shown enormous improvement after exhibiting KAPHA and AMA in the UDAKAVAHA and MOOTRAVAHA channels, which manifested as PRAMEHA, HRIDROGA and VRIKKA ROGA. Auroshikha also shares her experience of travel-induced RASA DHATU KSHAYA , and the forum devises a RASA-building herbal protocol Listen Here.
Presented by Pradnya, brings us a case of a corporate businesswoman whose successful yet stressful career path and Pitta-provoking diet & lifestyle led to GRAHANI, ANTRA VIDRADHI and BHAGANDARA. Her goal is to avoid increasing the frequency of her immunomodulator infusions. Listen Here.
Presented by Dr. Audrey Siow, presents a challenging case of HANU GRAHA (Lockjaw). After 10 months of total jaw immobility, the Rogi (Patient) is experiencing secondary conditions of PANDU (Anemia) and KARSHYA (Weight loss) Listen Here.
Presented by Erica Muller (Founder of Okanagan Ayurveda), presents the case of a long-time patient with severe SHOTHA concentrated around the legs, MRUDU KOSHTA, and BEEJA RASA/RAKTA KSHAYA. Listen Here.
Madhumeha, Medo Dhatu Vruddi, and Apachi in Yakrut
Presented by Dr. Suzzane, Today’s discussion concerns a classic case of metabolic syndrome with MADHU MEHA and APACHI in YAKRUT. Listen Here.
Vyadhi Sankara With Vishama Agni, Vishtabda Ajeerna And Vataja Arsha
Presented by Sonia Smith, a graduate from CCA, we discuss a complex case of several simultaneous SAMPRAPTI (pathologies) which require multi-SROTHA (systems) care. Listen Here.
Kashtarthava, Garbhapaata, Vandyatva
This unique case is presented by Alejandra Contraras, who is busy with her practice in Tijuana. During the discussion, we developed a systematic Ayurvedic treatment plan for healthy conception and pregnancy. Making use of MRUDU VIRECHANA (mild purging) to get rid of excess AMA Listen Here.
JANU SANDHI VATA and ASTIKSHAYA - Painful Knee Joints Case
Today’s case is presented by Sonia Smith, who graduated from CCA and has just started practicing. Her case study features a ROGI (patient) who has been suffering from long-term weight issues, and JANU SANDHI SHOOLA (painful knee joints) at present. Listen Here.
Asthi Kshya Leading To Hanvasthi Paaka (Breakdown of Mandible) Due To An Old Injury
Our current case is presented by Halean Shipman, who graduated from SCU and has just started practicing. Her case presentation features a ROGI (patient) who has undergone surgery for chronic HANVASTI (mandibular) degeneration disease. He is now waiting for the bone to regrow and is seeking help with Ayurveda. Listen Here.
Loss Of Hearing KAPHA And AMA PRAKOKA - Follow Up
Courtney Timms presented a case of acute total hearing loss in one ear of idiopathic origin that had not responded to medication. The patient or 'Rogi' in Sanskrit, was willing to try anything to get his hearing back. After about a month of Ayurvedic protocols, Courtney reports that the Rogi has regained some of his hearing and is seeing improvement. Listen Here.
APASMAARA (Seizures) - Due To TRIDOSHA And AMA Ascending To The Heart
Kimberly Crome, who is a graduate of SCU and just started practicing. She is presenting a case about a patient or 'Rogi' in Sanskrit, who has been diagnosed with Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. Listen Here.
KLAIBYA (sexual disfunction) Due to Chronic KAPHA and DHATU KSHAYA
Erica Mueller, who has a community practice in Canada. Her cases are always interesting and encourage a lot of critical thinking among the members of the forum. Today's case involves a 'Rogi' (patient) with KLAIBHYA (Erectile Dysfunction) due to chronic KAPHA KSHAYA and possible OJO KSHAYA Listen Here.
Loss of Hearing KAPHA and AMA PRAKOPA
Courtney Timms, an amazing student member of our community is presenting another fantastic case about a patient's complaint of acute total hearing loss in one ear of idiopathic origin that has not responded to medication, the patient or 'Rogi' in Sanskrit, is willing try anything to get his hearing back. Listen Here.
Kim Crome, a member of our community, is presenting an interesting case with a pre-diagnosed condition of Hashimoto's thyroiditis. Although it is now being managed with medication, the patient or 'Rogi' in Sanskrit, is experiencing severe fatigue and weight issues. Listen Here.
Gulpha Sandhi Shoola and Mano Vikshoba
Namaste everyone. Welcome to another Athreya Ayurveda podcast for practitioners. I'm Vaidya Jay. Today we have Lisa Jacoby in our Podcast. Lisa has been there with us, and she started as a student at Southern California of Health Sciences. A 25-year-old female with Gulpha Shoola and manovikriti. She has a heel injury, pain, and stress in her mind. The chief complaint is the long-lasting heel pain, and she also came to me because she's very interested in how Ayurvedic medicine works and wants to help balance. Listen Here.
Anannabhilasha (Anorexia) & Udakavaha (Fluid Balance) Srotas
Namaste everyone. Welcome to another Athreya Ayurveda podcast for practitioners. We are here to support our Ayurvedic community and practitioners by discussing compelling cases from our community. I'm Vaidya Jay. Today Cheri Michel is back on our podcast by popular demand. This is a complicated case. I'm so grateful to have the opportunity to learn from this woman A 61-year-old female, 5'6” and 98 pounds. She has struggled with anorexia since the age of 14. A doctor had told her that she's going to be fat and it's her destiny. Listen Here.
Sandhivata with Sandhivishlesha
Namaste everyone. Welcome to another Athreya Ayurveda podcast for practitioners. We are here to support our Ayurvedic community and practitioners by discussing compelling cases from our community. I'm Vaidya Jay and we're here with Cheri on our podcast. She had a critical case a few weeks ago, and we have another strong case we learn with these cases. A 60-year-old female with chronic hip pain, Cheri started treating her using Ayurvedic treatments and Abhyanga massage with some herbal oils. Listen Here.
Namaste everyone, welcome to the Athreya Ayurveda podcast for practitioners. I welcome all our practitioner family, and we have an exciting case to discuss. The purpose of the podcast we do through Athreya herbs is to support our practitioners with different clinical case scenarios that our community brings in. I am, Vaidya Jaygopal Parla, Today in the podcast, I have Gemma Habibi, who is an enthusiastic Ayurvedic practitioner. Listen Here.
Vyadi Sankara
Namaste everyone, as you all know, this is an initiative through Athreya herbs to bring cases or case studies from our community to discuss and evaluate how we can improve our skills, especially critical thinking skills, clinical skills, and herbal prescription skills. My name is Vaidya Jay Parla. I am here with our dear practitioner Cheri Michelle, Namaste. Listen Here
Abhigata and Malabadata
Namaste, everyone. Welcome to another Athreya herbs practitioner podcast which is done for our community of Ayurvedic practitioners. In these podcasts, our group of Ayurvedic practitioners brings in different cases from our community.I’m Vaidya Jay Parla and we’re here with Lisa Jacoby on our podcast with an interesting case in which we all have to think about what can be done. A 49-year-old male with Malabadata and secondary Abhigata.He had a coccyx and sacrum injury, possibly a fracture caused by a snowboarding accident. Listen Here
Case Study
Namaste and welcome everyone to the Athreya herbs practitioner’s podcast. A genuine interest and effort are to support all the practitioners and discuss these cases, which our practitioner community brings in. We have Vaidya Jay Gopal Parla discussing these cases and giving practitioners some insights into these unique cases. Our goal is to strengthen Ayurvedic practice in the US with the limited resources we have. It is also to structure a program for various conditions that we come across, so today, we are excited to introduce you to Lisa Jacoby. She graduated from Southern California University of health sciences and finished the practitioner’s program to do extensive study for about 2000 hours with 350 hours of clinical training. Listen Here
Mahabadata with Vata Vikruti
Namaste everyone, welcome to the Athreya Family practitioner podcast series. We bring in cases from our community of practitioners. We talk about these cases in terms of a discussion where the practitioner and I would go through and see how we can improve our skills especially critical thinking skills, herb making skills, and diet and overall structuring program that is the purpose of these podcasts. Today I have Erica Harms back on our podcast- Case discussion. She is so generous to dedicate her time to come back here on our podcast, and she has some of the interesting cases that we try to dissect to see where we can help these patients. For those of you who do not know her, she is an Ayurvedic practitioner. Listen Here
We are here to support our community of Ayurvedic practitioners with cases that we manage through Ayurvedic discussion and where we want to increase our critical thinking ability and become better practitioners. We have Dario who has been very generous in bringing his cases to discuss with us. He is a seasoned Ashtanga Yogi, he practices in Tijuana, Mexico. He’s been seeing patients and he has graduated as an Ayurvedic practitioner from an American University of complementary medicine. Listen Here
Case Study
We’re here to support and grow the practitioners in our own community so that we can become good in our practice and also get well informed on how to work with cases that are handled by our Ayurvedic community. I’m Vaidya Jay Parla and we’re here with Erica Harms Who has been on the practitioner case discussions podcast earlier too. She practices in Oregon, where she has a number of very interesting cases. She graduated as an Ayurvedic practitioner from southern California University of health sciences, she has been a long time follower of Ayurveda. Erica, I think it has been 10 to 12 years?Listen Here
Case Study
Athreya family welcomes listeners to another case study podcast. Here at Athreya Herbs, we support Ayurvedic practitioners with these unique case studies which our community brings into discussions. We have with us the founder and director of Heal Ayurveda based in LA, Naomi Boas, a busy practitioner and a clinician at Southern California University of Health Sciences. She has been with us for quite some time and has very interesting cases. I am really proud of Naomi for the batch that she graduated from, where I teach as well. She is one of the successful practitioners out there in the Los Angeles area. Welcome, Naomi! Listen Here
This case study has been a part of our educational series where we provide case scenarios to our Ayurvedic practitioners to get in-depth knowledge of Ayurvedic case management and look into diets, herbs, Panchkarma, and other aspects of wellbeing like yoga, breathing exercises, etc. Ayurvedic practitioners and professionals should feel confident while working with their clientele. Today we have Dario Ampudia from Tijuana who is a yoga teacher and an Ayurvedic practitioner. Listen Here