Asthi Kshya Leading To Hanvasthi Paaka (Breakdown of Mandible) Due To An Old Injury

Namaste everyone!
Welcome to another very interesting case discussion podcast from Athreya Herbs. We are here to support our Ayurvedic Practitioner Community through live and recorded clinical case study discussions. I'm Vaidya Jay, your host. Our current case is presented by Halean Shipman, who graduated from SCU and has just started practicing. Her case presentation features a ROGI (patient) who has undergone surgery for chronic HANVASTI (mandibular) degeneration disease. He is now waiting for the bone to regrow and is seeking help with Ayurveda. Through our forum's insights, we noticed that he was diagnosed with hyperparathyroidism 3 years ago. This led to ASTHI KSHAYA, with STHANA SAMSHAYA of Vata Primary and other DOSHAs of Pitta and Kapha as well in an old injury to the mandible. In the forum, a SAMPRAPTI (Pathogenesis) was discussed along with a suitable CHIKITSA (Management plan).


March 25, 2023 |  65 minutes.
By Vaidya. Jay Parla.