Loss of Hearing - KAPHA and AMA PRAKOPA in the ear.

Namaste everyone. Welcome to Athreya Herb's podcast for practitioners. We are here to support our Ayurvedic practitioner community through live and recorded clinical case study discussions.  I'm Vaidya Jay, your host. In today's episode, Courtney Timms, an amazing student member of our community is presenting another fantastic case about a patient's complaint of acute total hearing loss in one ear of idiopathic origin that has not responded to medication, the patient or 'Rogi' in Sanskrit, is willing to try anything to get his hearing back. With ongoing weight management issues and symptoms manifesting on his flight from Hawaii, we will discuss the excess of 'Ama' and 'Kapha' affecting the URDWA JATRU (head region). In the forum, we will discuss a possible Ayurvedic diagnosis for him and come up with a suitable treatment plan.

January 31, 2023 |  54 minutes.
By Vaidya. Jay Parla.