Vyadhi Sankara With Vishama Agni, Vishtabda Ajeerna And Vataja Arsha
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Presented by Sonia Smith, a graduate from CCA, we discuss a complex case of several simultaneous SAMPRAPTI (pathologies) which require multi-SROTHA (systems) care. As we go through the ROGI’s (patient’s) extensive health history, the involvement of TRIDOSHA becomes clear, presented through various symptoms which require immediate attention. But as per the Ayurvedic principles in pathogenesis, we start by focusing on VATA as the primary dosha to elicit VISHAMA AGNI (erratic metabolism). Over a period of time, we deduced that this generated adequate AMA (metabolic toxins), which moved into other DHATUs (building blocks of the body), resulting in SHOTHA (water retention), STHAULYA (weight imbalance), lipid overproduction, and hypothyroidism. After evaluating the case as a group, we came up with suitable CHIKITSA (therapies) to help correct the AGNI (heat buildup) and AMA so she can heal her other VYADHIs (diseases) over time.
July 13, 2023 | 61 minutes 35 seconds.
By Vaidya. Jay Parla.